CBD and Sex
CBD is everywhere, even in sex shops, where you can buy CBD gel, CBD massage oil and aphrodisiac products.
There is more and more advertising where CBD is presented as the panacea for an enriching sexuality. CBDacasa has tested it and we share our analysis with you.
You've probably stumbled across a CBD store at some point, or come across a CBD advertisement on the internet . Whatever the case, online or physical CBD stores offer you cannabidiol, which is the non-psychotherapy cannabis molecule, in cream, oil, gummies or simply CBD flowers. Before taking the plunge, we called our friend, Dr. Albert Estrada to get some advice and asked him a few questions.
What reaction will CBD Albert cause me?
CBD molecules bind to the endocannabinoid receptors that we have and impact our nervous system.
And specifically Albert, for the Libido? Help me?
CBD acts mainly against stress and anxiety and, since the essential thing to improve libido is to be in a good mental disposition – otherwise our state is not prone to sexual desire – taking CBD can have positive consequences on libido. In addition, CBD favors the secretion of serotonin, which causes a feeling of well-being and relaxation. Likewise, in the case of men, by promoting blood circulation, CBD will have an impact on the erection of the penis and, in turn, will relax the blood vessels, which will allow longer and more pleasant sexual relations. CBD is also anti-inflammatory so it would help women who feel pain during intercourse, such as those with endometriosis, and people with chronic inflammation, such as ankylosing spondylosis or polyarthritis, by reducing inflammation, relaxing muscles, and therefore its analgesic properties.
Thank you Albert, you have helped us, we will try it.
The next day, we reserved an organic CBD oil for massages at cbdacasa.es and we tested it at night with my partner. And the truth is that it was phenomenal.

We are not going to give more details because our conclusion is that sex is something very subjective, with many variables that enter into the equation to have a pleasant relationship but, in our case, we definitely believe that it helped us to improve, if possible, our sexual relations. My partner found his orgasms to be longer and better and, in my case, although I don't have special disorders, CBD caused me a state of relaxation that helped me considerably to put aside everyday problems and concentrate. at the time. But, we stress again that there are many factors to determine if a sexual relationship is pleasant or good. In our case, there is quite a lot of confidence, which helps. Sex with my partner is already sublime in itself, we know what each of us likes, in what way, etc... so many variables that it would be necessary to have more sexual experiences with CBD to obtain more data and be more rigorous in our conclusions. So if you have comments to contribute or experiences to share, they will be welcome.